Wednesday, July 13, 2011


What does it mean to you? What kind of music do you like? You see to me it is so important to have music. I listen to music when I run, when I shower (when people in my house dont mind of course haha) and when I take walks and especially when i am driving or just in my room. But one of my favorite times are when i make music with my friends or when they perform for me. You understand? haha I love music. But here's the thing, i dont just listen to one style... I listen to all, almost. Country, Rap, Oldies, Acoustic, Indie, Screemo, Chill, Hip-Hop, RnB, Classical, Rock.... Music to me is young or old individuals expressing their opinions or feelings. It is a way of expressing eachothers feelings, taking you back to a moment in life or making a new memory. Remembering the good times and sadly the bad times too. It is some sort of motivation that whatever the mood you are in, there is a song about you and how you feel in that very moment. Creepy hey? I love how inspiration comes to people and how someone can just write what they feel and sing about it. I have tried that and you know... I can only write the lyrics, or i can only write the melody but for some odd reason i cant seem yo put them together. i can never finish it, atleast. It takes talent to do such things, and determination too actually. It's funny because when I listen to music, it feels like i know them, the people making it. It makes me love them and understand what is happening even if we live half a world away or not. Here's a song I was just listening to.
And now listen to this...oh my :)
Just love

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