Sunday, January 29, 2012

sometimes the hardest thing to do is the right thing

guess what. 3 weeks went by..the best 3 weeks...and well i am now single. we broke up, lets see...about 6hours ago? Yes we are still friends, we are good friends...thats the good news. we talked and the cool thing about our relationship is that we always felt the same thing, if i was happy so was he , if i didnt wanna see him he didnt either. and well today we both felt we should break it off. it was the HARDEST thing (pretty much). we both wouldnt talk , we wanted the other one to say it but we couldnt because we dont want to let go, sometimes ppl just want to hold on and we happen to want to hold on a little longer but we figured that if we dont break up now we never will because it will be too hard later on beacause we are getting to attached too fast. :( it was good though. at first i was ok and he was ok because we promised we would always stay friends and for that matter best friends. btu then 7oclock comes and start to feel lonely... i start to miss him... i want him back. DANGIT but i CANT its not right. we both felt we werent the right ones together in the long run, as much as we like eachother we know marriage is not in the plan for us together. This means he will find someone else and hopefully i wont be lonely to long and find mine aswell. well 9oclock comes and my friends want to do something and so i agree....oh baaaaaaad idea. i thought i was stronger but im not ready to go out in public just yet. and the hardest thing is that we still talk and we both feel the same thing! WE MISS EACHOTHER! we want to hug one last time...kiss one last time... cuddle one last time...stare... one... last... that to complicated for YOU! :( dangit you guys...break ups sucks, especially when neither of us want it to happen, its harder that way. like at least if the other one is over it then its easier for you to get over it but when both of you still want it all BACK its flippin hard.
"Fetching days" Goodnight "mate" "no drama" everything will be alright...hopefully when i wake up, if i sleep at all this night.

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