Saturday, September 17, 2011

Empty room

I need to find what I really love. I mean I know what's what but I can't say I know what I would love to do. Yes I want to be a teacher, that I know, but what kind of teacher?? I dont know... I thought I liked math but I dont love it...and I dont really want to be teaching math for the rest of my life. I love art and music but I wouldnt feel confortable teaching that to younger people... I dont know why but I wouldnt really want to do that because for me when I sing or play music or make art it's either for me and myself only to relieve stress or pain or to help people. My dream is to travel and to go into different societies and help them with their lands or teach them languages but he's the problem. I am broke and I dont think i would qualify to teach a language. I want to see the world. I want to learn of others cultures. I want to learn their languages and exchange something to them, give them something that means a lot to me... but i dont know quite yet what and how. But something I know that I've realised that I love is people. I love the old. I love the young. I love kids. I love meeting people and getting to know them inside and out. What I would love to do, betweeen you and me, is i would love to travel and write. I know my sentence structure is off and I know I'm not the best at writting but I love it.  Maybe one day I will.


  1. I think you need to serve a mission... That's what this sounds like to me. Yes? No?
