Have you ever just spend all day in your room watching movies by yourself? love ones, funny ones, drama ones all by yourself, all day...and yet you only think of one person the whole day, the whole movies and you catch yourself crying about that one person and you never realized? Thats what happened to me today. listen to this song. Perfect for me-Ron Pope. Best song ever and i only think of one person. Im not sure why I cried ... I think maybe because I miss him more than anything...for some reason, him being away is making everything hard for me. Let me share with you some things that has happened to me recently.
1) I lost a good friend lately. I never thought I would lose her, but i did. She, all the sudden wont talk to me or even look at me. She denies it. i dont know why she is doing that to me ... i tried talking to her but it made it worst. So what am I going to do? Nothing.
2)I hyper-extended my knees. How? i have no idea. Maybe how i stand or stretch but man alive it sure hurts a lot.
3) I got an excision yesterday. I was high from the adrenaline they put in me and well today I can barely stand...I keep blacking out because of the pain and how my body is working hard to heal it.
So basically, I lost a friend and she is hurting me a lot. My knees are killing me and my face is scarred.
I have never felt so alone in my life. Usually when things like that happened I would run to my twin (nope shes 6hrs away now) or I would call one of my best friends "Fruits" (nope hes even farther away) or I would call my other best friend, the one all these stupid blogs are about...but no he unreachable. So why am I feeling like this? because i am alone. I never thought I would feel like this but here it is.
I dont know why I feel this way about "him". I have tried to figure it out for a very long time but i cant figure it out. It's like this unexplainable happiness. I have this picture of him on my wall now its been 3 days and its funny because when I wake up in the morning i look at that picture before anything else and everything is fine. Theres something about him that makes me "simply happy". Maybe one day I will know why I feel like this, or maybe i never will. I dont really know what else to write in this blog but here it is for today. Peace and blessings yall. until next blog.
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